Current Challenges: California Wildfires
Website: Information about incident maps, evacuation orders, shelters, animal shelters, road closures and more.
Website: Resources for wildfire survivors
Website: Know your rights before filing claims.
Website: Donate to California wildfire relief.
Website: Evacuation maps, emergency notifications and more.
Website: Apply for assistance and more.
Website: Fund for GCSAA members who have suffered personal losses. Information about donating and applying for help.
Article: While clubhouse fires are not the common occurrence they were 100 years ago, when they happen today the consequences can be far more devastating, and the recovery process far more complicated.
Website: Wildfire information from the Southern California Golf Association.
Website: GoFundMe campaign organized by the California Golf Course Owners Association
Article: Weather conditions, vegetation, geography and several other factors influence how prone a course is to wildfire. Learn the basics and hear from supers who’ve been faced with flames.