
Golf course superintendents are responsible stewards of water resources. GCSAA supports collaboration with all levels of government to address water use and quality issues and for golf course superintendents to be involved in the construction of productive public policy related to water issues. GCSAA supports water conservation and water quality protection laws and regulations that are based on sound science** and credible data and promote the values of turfgrass and professionally managed landscapes.

GCSAA supports the development and use of science-based best management practices (BMPs) for water conservation and water quality through superintendent–regulator–university partnerships at the local and state levels of government. To support this, the GCSAA launched in 2017 the 50 by 2020 BMP initiative. The goal of this landmark initiative was to have all 50 states with a BMP program in place by 2020 to ensure protection of human health and the environment and demonstrate the industry’s commitment to environmental stewardship. This goal was accomplished at the end of 2020.

Public policy can help accelerate the adoption and implementation of water management on golf properties through incentives, including cost sharing, regulatory relief, tax credits, rebates and technical assistance. GCSAA supports the development and promotion of environmentally responsible economic and regulatory incentives for: installation of efficient irrigation products and systems; retrofits of existing irrigation systems with water-efficient technologies; and design and maintenance practices that foster and support efficient irrigation.

Water availability, water quality, water rights, water use and water costs are significant issues for golf courses at all levels of government. Proper management and conservation of water resources is an important issue for golf course management.

Efficient water use and water quality management on golf courses requires up-to-date technologies, continuing education, scientific research, and sound management practices by golf course superintendents. Innovations at golf facilities include the use of reclaimed water, wetting agents, drought- and salt-resistant grasses, and other water conservation and water protection practices. Sophisticated instruments such as soil sensors, weather stations, weather sensors, irrigation controls, and VFD pump controls are also utilized. Golf facilities are making significant capital investments in these water conservation technologies in order to demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship. Specific water sub issues include:

  • Water Quality - surface and groundwater protection, nutrient loading, non-point source pollution, reclaimed water
  • Water Quantity - effluent/reclaimed water, drought, conservation of water resources
  • EPA-GCSAA Smart Sector Program Partnership
  • U.S. EPA Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program (PESP)
  • Irrigation Association
  • WateReuse Association
  • Waters Advocacy Coalition
  • U.S. Water Alliance
  • National Groundwater Association