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Randy Robinson

Central Plains regional representative

Robinson joined the GCSAA staff following six years as executive director of the Iowa Turfgrass Institute. From 2006 to 2015, he was the golf course superintendent at Ballard Golf and Country Club in Huxley, Iowa. He resides in Huxley.
Tel. 800-472-7878, ext. 3605

Field staff report


by Randy Robinson | Aug 31, 2023

It’s football season, and not only that, but it’s also fantasy football season. As I drive around the Midwest this time of year, my podcast choices have gone from Joe Rogan and true crime to fantasy football. As I was listening to one of my favorite ones, the topic of the day was the love/hate list for fantasy players. Let me start by explaining that I don’t hate anything or anyone, dislike would probably be more appropriate, but it made for a better title. So here is my love/hate list right now:

Love:  The First Green Program

I don’t know if I’ve ever been more moved by anything than I am watching the school kids come out to a golf course and have their eyes opened to all the possibilities. Most of these kids have never stepped foot on a golf course let alone held a golf club. One thing is always certain, the kids love it, the parents love it, and the schools will want to come back the next year. If you haven’t hosted one yet, what are you waiting for? It’s a rewarding experience for you personally and professionally as well as your facility. Learn more at The First Green website

Hate: Political Ads

Are you kidding me with these ads? Where and when did we lose professionalism, character, and kindness? I’m not talking about any one side or any one candidate, they all do it. Quit filling my television and mailbox with your propaganda. I’ve yet to meet one candidate that related to me or even has a clue about what life is like in a small town. It gives me a new-found respect for our Government Affairs team when dealing with all the bureaucracy, red tape, and truth-stretching. We are truly lucky at GCSAA to have the best team in the industry, hands down.

Love: Best Management Practices (BMP’s)

Have you ever been doing something new and thought, “Why haven’t we been doing this the whole time?” That’s me and the BMPs. These documents are so powerful. First, we started by getting state documents, and that impressed people in D.C. Now, we are working on facility documents that will knock the socks off of not only D.C. but also state and local governments. Once things slow down this season, I urge you to take the time to get your facility document done. Not only is the information accurate and powerful, but there is strength in numbers, the more we get completed the more pushback we can give. If you haven’t started this process, you can find help at GCSAA's BMP hub

Hate: Snakes

Luckily, I live in a state that has very few, if any, venomous snakes. That is comfortable to me. I can deal with the occasional garter snake or bull snake. Sure, I don’t like them, but I can deal with it. Now that I travel south, the game has changed. I no longer look for golf balls down by the creek, in the woods, or even the native areas. Huh-uh, no way I’m running into a copperhead or rattler. Supposedly they are useful (fact) and supposedly they are more scared of us. I think I would put that to the test.

Love: Rounds 4 Research (R4R)

Are you kidding me?! Have you seen some of the courses that donate their facility for the greater good? It’s amazing the power we have with a 4-some and a cart. We’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars by offering a cheap way for golfers to play, what could be, a bucket list golf course or just a great deal. It’s so easy for you to fill out the information and help continue the success of this program. Almost everything you do agronomically is research-driven, and we have the best researchers in the country. Help us further the industry and also make someone’s day by donating a round or donating cash to the GCSAA Foundation. Go to Rounds 4 Research to learn more.

I debated on doing another section, but I think that was enough “hate” for one article. Hopefully, you will click on one or all the links above and fall in love with our programs like I have. Remember, everything we do is for you, the GCSAA member, all you must do is participate in the programs and everyone wins. That will be more winning I’m sure than I will do in fantasy football this year. Speaking of that, is Adrian Peterson still playing? Cheers everyone!

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