
Jeff Jensen Southwest Headshot
Jeff Jensen
Southwest regional representative

Prior to joining the GCSAA staff, Jeff spent more than a decade in the golf industry in management and marketing. He resides in Henderson, Nev.
Tel. 800-472-7878, ext. 3603.

Field staff report

Las Vegas Valley Water District proposes significant rate increase for golf courses

by Jeff Jensen | Aug 19, 2024

Water prices expected to more than double due to the decommissioning of two reclaimed water treatment facilities

Staff representing the Las Vegas Valley Water District met with area golf courses on July 18 to discuss proposed non-potable to potable rate increases for Las Vegas golf courses that have long relied on reclaimed water for golf course irrigation. 

The transition from non-potable to potable rates will increase water prices at the affected golf courses by more than double in many instances. The district is decommissioning both treatment facilities and reclaimed water is no longer being produced or delivered. 

The fourteen affected courses include Angel Park, Bear’s Best, Canyon Gate, Durango Hills, Red Rock Country Club, Rhodes Ranch, Siena, Spanish Trails, Summit Club, Sun City Eagle Crest, Sun City Highland Falls, Sun City Palm Valley, TPC Las Vegas and TPC Summerlin. 

The district has presented the golf industry with two separate options for phasing in price increases, both of which could potentially render several of the above courses inoperable in the near future. 

The golf courses mentioned above are not against a more nominal rate increase. We fully realize the extent of the current water situation in Southern Nevada. In January of 2024, we agreed to cut back water use from 6.3 acre-feet to 4.0 acre-feet making the industry courses in Southern Nevada the most efficient users of golf course water in the Southwestern United States. 

Nevada’s golf industry generates $1.242 billion in direct economic activity, creates over 17,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs, contributes $138 million in local and state tax revenue, and generates $37 million in net proceeds and in-kind contributions for local charitable organizations.

From an environmental perspective, golf courses in Las Vegas provide wildlife habitat and biodiversity, urban cooling in one of the most extreme summer climates in the United States, manage stormwater runoff, help improve air quality and assist with groundwater recharge. Additionally, the affected golf courses have removed over 363 acres of turfgrass to further contribute to area water savings. 

Courses provide recreational opportunities for locals, visitors, junior and senior golfers alike.  The game is a perfect compliment to the gaming industry in Southern Nevada providing tourists with the opportunity to spend quality time outdoors.     

Estimates from course operators are that a third of the affected courses above could close due to the rate increase, likely to be replaced by homes and other commercial development, further taking away the limited green space in the city. 

Not only would it take away a recreational activity from thousands of golfers, but it would greatly decrease the property value of homeowners that reside near many of these facilities. Past situations with The Badlands Golf Club and Silverstone Golf Club are prime examples of what happens when golf courses are shuttered. 

If you are a golfer concerned with the loss of one of your favorite courses or a homeowner interested in protecting the value of your property, we need your help in opposing these rate increases. Please contact the Las Vegas Valley Water District Board of Directors who will be voting on the rate increase and share your concerns.  

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