Engage a diverse representation of chapter executives, superintendents and management
companies in discussions and activities that are focused on enhancing and growing the annual
Rounds 4 Research fundraising auction administered by the GCSAA Foundation. Rounds 4
Research serves as a fundraising program for GCSAA Chapters and the Foundation which helps to serve members, advance their profession, and improve communities through the
enjoyment growth and vitality of the game. It does this through increased research funding,
supporting education programs and scholarships, and by engaging golfers in these efforts.
Meeting type: Conference call
H. Scott Griffith, CGCS, chair
Ryan S. Kraushofer, CGCS, vice chair
Brian E. Boyer
Kevin E. Collins, CGCS
Andrew O. Hitchcock
David Jones
Timothy B. Kreger
David H. Robinson, CGCS
Lori R. Russell