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GCSAA Supports Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act

Nov 13, 2023

GCSAA is now a part of the Tomorrow’s Workforce Coalition, which includes over 600 organizations that are dedicated to advancing and supporting the American workforce through political advocacy. The coalition focuses on legislation that benefits workers and goes onto boost the economy.

On Sept. 19, the coalition delivered a sign-on letter to Congress endorsing the Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act (S. 722/H.R. 1477). This bill is popularly supported by representatives from both political parties congruently on the House and Senate sides.

Briefly, the bill “would expand qualified expenses under 529 savings plans to include postsecondary training and credentialing.” Right now, 529 plans are only available for post-secondary education (college) degrees, and not for alternative career advancement programs such as licenses and professional certifications. This would extend the benefits of the program to all students and workers who wish to advance their careers through education, not just those who choose to pursue a degree at a formal academic institution.

The letter respectively urged Congressional leaders on the Senate Finance Committee as well as the House Ways & Means Committee to approve the bill, as it will help strengthen careers throughout the entire American workforce. As the Coalition put it, this bill would transform the 529 plan from a “college saving plan” to a “career saving plan.”

The Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow’s Workforce Act would provide economic flexibility and opportunity. American workers and families could use their 529 plans to help cover:

• Certificate program tuition, including prep-courses;

• Testing fees, including practice exams;

• Required books and equipment;

• Continuing education and certification renewal; and 

• Other charges required to obtain and maintain a certification.

GCSAA would like to make eligible expenses related to earning the certified golf course superintendent (CGCS) designation and other certificate programs from the association.

For more information, please visit the coalition website at: Tomorrow’s Workforce Coalition – The Power of Associations