The Office of Advocacy of the Small Business Association (SBA) alerted GCSAA to the new heat stress standard proposal. GCSAA has been working with the SBA and the Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration (OSHA) on this proposed rule. Last summer,
they held several listing sessions with different small business entities. GCSAA was asked to nominate several golf course superintendents to sit on a panel representing the industry to provide feedback on the heat stress standard framework document.
The panel was led by OSHA and provided input on new standards currently being drafted by OSHA intended to prevent heat illness and injury in outdoor and indoor work environments.
GCSAA’s representatives included the following GCSAA Grassroots Ambassadors:
- Chad Allen, The Club at Chatham Hills in Indiana
- Damon Hitti,Weissinger Hills Golf Course in Kentucky
- Gregory Jack, The Oaks Club in Florida
- John Kotoski, CGCS, 0River Run Golf Club and Development in Maryland
- Lydell Mack, CGCS,Big Canoe Golf Club in Georgia.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) just released its Proposed Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Programs Rule.
OSHA's proposed rule would require both private and public sector employers to develop programs and implement controls to protect employees from heat hazards in both outdoor and indoor work environments.
OSHA's proposed rule will be open for a 120-day public comment period after it is officially published in the Federal Register soon.
OSHA's proposed rule was the subject of a Small Business Advocacy Review in 2023.
Finally, the White House has issued a fact sheet about OSHA's proposed rule.
GCSAA is reviewing the proposed rule and will continue to work with the SBA, industry partners and GCSAA members throughout the public comment period. You may email comments to