IPM Pest Worksheet

The Pest Worksheet enables you to clearly identify your key pests and the practices and products that you want to use to manage them. Portions of the information you generate on this worksheet will be transferred onto your final IPM plan.

Estimated time: Two hours

Materials for this step

Pest Worksheet Instructions
Pest Worksheets

You will also need to have your completed forms from the previous steps to fill in the Pest Worksheet. Please note that you will need to create a pest worksheet for each individual management zone you identified in step 3.


To help with this step, the IPM planning guide also provides the following key reference materials:

Soils Reference
Weather Reference
Insect Reference
Disease Reference
Weed Reference

Depending upon your location you may want to begin with the top five pests or potential pests when completing this step. You can refer to these documents as they will assist you with your decisions regarding the most damaging pests for your golf course.

Additional Resources

Additional resources can be found through your local cooperative state Extension office. Other resources for IPM planning include:


Chemical Control of Turfgrass Diseases 2010 (University of Kentucky)


MSU Turf Weeds (Michigan State University)
Weed Identification Tool (University of Tennessee)


Sample 1 (Illinois)
Sample 2 (Southern California)
Sample 3 (Vermont)

Next Step: IPM Planner