Capital Budget and Labor Survey report
The survey polled superintendents on trends and allocations of resources as they relate to golf course labor and capital expense budgets.
The intent of this survey is to establish baselines, trends and allocations of resources as they relate to golf course labor and capital expense budgets and today’s golf course management.
To access the report online, you must be a GCSAA Class A, B, C, E, EM or ISM member. Login for access. It is also available for purchase, see below to order.
View the 2012 Capital Budget and Labor Survey Report
About the survey
From Feb. 22, 2012, through March 23, 2012, survey invitation links were distributed via email to the sample group of GCSAA Class A, and SM (superintendent member) totaling 8,441 members. The final result of completed surveys totaled 1,168 of the distributed 8,441, a response rate of 14%.
18-hole capital expense budgets
Capital spending as a whole is down 2% from 2010 actual spending compared to 2012 proposed budget nationwide, as illustrated in Table 1.