Capital Budget and Labor Survey report
The survey polled superintendents on trends and allocations of resources as they relate to golf course labor and capital expense budgets.
The intent of this survey is to establish baselines, trends and allocations of resources as they relate to golf course labor and capital expense budgets and today’s golf course management.
To access the report online, you must be a GCSAA Class A, B, C, E, EM or ISM member. Login for access. It is also available for purchase, see below to order.
View the 2019 Capital Budget and Labor Survey Report.
About the survey
In April 2019, an online survey was sent to superintendent members of the GCSAA in the United States totaling 7,117 members. The final result of completed surveys totaled 1,306 data sets of the distributed 7,117, a response rate of 18 percent.
18-hole capital expense budgets
Respondents were asked to provide their golf course labor and capital expense budget. Average capital spending in 2010 for an 18-hole course was $91,892. In 2019 the average budgeted amount is $136,185, or an increase of 48 percent over the 10 year period.