Great Lakes

Shane Conroy Head Shot

Shane Conroy

Great Lakes regional representative

A former assistant golf course superintendent, Shane joined the GCSAA staff in 2015. He resides in Ferndale, Mich.
Tel: 800-472-7878, ext. 3635

Field staff report


by Shane Conroy | Nov 26, 2024

GCSAA’s led "International Thank A Golf Course Superintendent Day" gives thanks to all superintendents across the globe. This year, on September 10, International Thank A Golf Course Superintendent Day, reached more than 14 million people around the world on social media. The reach of #ThankASuper was up 38.5% (1.8 million people) over last year while the total number of social media impressions for #ThankASuper was up 28.8% (2.3 million people) over 2023.

As the holiday season approaches, many of us take time to reflect on the people who make a difference in our lives. For golfers, one group that often goes unsung but plays a vital role in our enjoyment of the game, are golf course superintendents. This Thanksgiving, let’s take a moment to express gratitude for their tireless efforts in maintaining the beauty and playability of golf courses year-round.

Golf course superintendents are the backbone of any successful course. They manage everything from turfgrass health to irrigation systems to weather-related challenges. They are leaders and environmental stewards who are often adapting to the demands of an ever-changing season, as well as managing the latest projects. Superintendents combine science, artistry and a love for the game to manage the courses we cherish. Along with their dedicated teams, they all put in the time and commitment to ensure golfers of every level enjoy the course. 

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks to those who mean so much to us. I would like to say thank you to superintendents, assistants, equipment managers and all of those on their team for another great golfing season here in the Great Lakes. There was certainly no shortage of challenges this season that you had to overcome. I hope you all have a fantastic, and well-deserved Thanksgiving with loved ones. Thank you for all you do.

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