Your responsibilities as an intern

The commitment that comes with accepting an internship is significant for everyone involved: the institution, the student and the golf course superintendent. The institutional representative is responsible for the academic soundness of the experience, program structure, project feasibility, credit hours to be earned, working closely with the student to select the site and guiding the program by outlining the type of placement planned.

Student responsibilities

  1. Write or organize your resume.
  2. Obtain an internship. This might be done on your own, through your academic department or by registering with the school’s career assistance or placement center. Check the GCSAA Job Board for internship listings.
  3. Through consultation with your faculty advisor, develop a statement of intent or specific objectives you wish to achieve during your internship. Make sure that the employer is aware of your objectives before you start the internship.
  4. Use the internship experience to increase your knowledge of the golf industry and its practices.
  5. Conform to the normal work policies of the golf course, including normal work hours, reporting to work on time, working overtime, absenteeism procedures, dress code and time off policy, etc.
  6. Keep business matters confidential and work in the best interest of the golf course.
  7. Apply yourself to assigned work and responsibilities.
  8. Prepare a written report of the work experience for your faculty advisor. In collaboration with your advisor, decide on the frequency and format of the report(s).
  9. Demonstrate a positive attitude, and provide an evaluation of the work experience and the employer at the end of the internship.
  10. Notify your advisor immediately in case of dissatisfaction with an employer or a job.

Employer/supervisor responsibilities

  1. Provide a challenging position that will enable the student to use the skills, aptitude and knowledge that have been gained in an academic setting.
  2. Orient the student regarding company organization, policy, expectations and work procedures. The student should also be oriented in safety instruction on their first day of work or before they are sent onto the course.
  3. Help the student develop learning objectives based on their academic requirements, if one is not provided by the educational institution. Sign and date the objectives.
  4. Continually supervise the student on tasks outlined in the learning objectives.
  5. Discuss with the student the method of performance evaluation that will be used. The performance appraisal should be obtained from the student’s educational institution or developed by both the supervisor and the student. It should also reflect the learning objectives.
  6. Give the student honest feedback and constructive criticism about his/her job performance. Make every effort to meet with the student at least once a week to review progress.
  7. Fill out the final evaluation, give a copy to the student and mail one to the educational institution, if required. Do not give it to the student to mail.
  8. Hourly wage - depending upon experience. Some employers may also provide other benefits such as housing, meals, uniforms, bonuses and golfing privileges.