Principles of Golf Course Leadership and Communications

The Principles of Golf Course Leadership and Communications certificate is earned by watching 14 webinars from the pre-selected options. There are 10 required webinars which include associated quizzes. Four webinars are selected by you from the list of elective options.

In addition to the webinars and quizzes, you will also be required to demonstrate proficiency in the competencies addressed within the certificate by completing two of the following ancillary activities:

  • Give a presentation and document the experience.
  • Work with a mentor and document the experience.
  • Write and have published an article for a chapter newsletter, GCM, GCM Online or another turf publication.
  • Volunteer for a golf-centric activity. Examples include volunteering on a GCSAA, chapter or golf organization task group or committee, participate at a First Green event, or volunteer at a golf tournament. (All all volunteer activities must be golf-centric and performed outside of your normal paid duties at your golf course.)

The education points you earn from the webinars within this certificate will count towards the points needed for entry or renewal of Class A, CGCS or CTEM. This certificate completes a component of the CGCS program.

Certificate enrollment fee:

  • GCSAA members: $50
  • Non-members: $75 certificate fee plus $840 in webinar fees = $915

Access to the webinars for no additional charge is part of the GCSAA membership benefits. If you are not a GCSAA member, you will pay $60 per webinar in addition to the certificate fee when you enroll in the certificate.

Enroll in the certificate and begin.